HAMAM Magazine: Water Issue

immerse yourself in all things water.
this beautiful issue of HAMAM explores the magazine’s not so casual relationships with water. in this issue you will find fascinating articles and visuals on topics such as: bathing like rumi, bathing with herbs, modern japanese bathing, social soaking in iceland and so much more!
founded in 2020, HAMAM Magazine is a quarterly publication about bathing art and culture for the bathing obsessed. the magazine features essays, artists projects, photography, and interviews from contributors all around the world.
leaving you with some words from the editor-in-chief, Ekin Balcioglu: “with my eyes closed, I repeat the words of Yoko Ono-- “someday we’ll evaporate together”-- and imagine the water rising to slowly fill the gorge to the rim, offering our geologic ancestors to flashback to aquatic life.”